Uganda: Lifewater and Wheels4Water

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1 minute
Written by Justin Ahrens
Recently I went to Uganda with Lifewater to see the types of projects they are doing and to get a new perspective on our world's water crisis. Lifewater has been providing water and sanitation in Africa and Asia since 1977. Rule29 is privileged to be involved in their rebranding efforts and to help raise awareness of their efforts to find lasting solutions to the world's most urgent problem. Along with the rebrand, Rule29 has committed to raise money for Lifewater. Partnering with Wonderkind Studios to help support one of the Uganda communities I'll visit this week, we've created a fund-raising bike ride called Wheels4Water.
We will ride 1,000 miles along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean (Boston) to Lake Michigan (Chicago), with each $40 donation equaling the equivalent of water and sanitation for one person for life. Our goal is $40,000 or 1,000 people getting water and sanitation for life. Adding to the challenge, we will not buy any water on the way but find open source water and filter it as we go.
Stay tuned for an update on my trip to Uganda with Lifewater, and please keep Wheels4Water on your radar. We are looking for people to buy a mile, or two or ten…now or later. If you want to help now check out Wheels4Water.