Justin Ahrens as Featured Guest Speaker on Ardeo Podcast

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Rule29's President and Founder, Justin Ahrens was recently featured as a guest speaker on the Ardeo Podcast. The topic? Is the pursuit of higher education worth your time and hard-earned money?

While it is a known fact that possessing a college degree or higher can open doors to opportunities you simply don't have access to with a GED, many are often still left wondering, is it worth it? Does the value proposition outweigh the cost? Especially in light of the recent pandemic, and the quick solution with a less than seamless execution to pivot to fully-online course offerings. All of these factors and more set the stage for Justin to share his position on the widely discussed topic.

Justin opens the conversation from the perspective of himself as a higher-ed student in pursuit of becoming an art teacher, who later recognized his passion for design. He delves into the origin story of his early business ventures, and how Rule29 came to be what it is today. He later shares an entirely different perspective as a parent, again articulating the value he sees in higher education and how he can envision his own children benefiting from such an enriching experience.

Justin concludes the podcast by sharing his thoughts and suggestions on how higher education institutions should leverage their strengths when it comes to their marketing and recruitment efforts and advocacy. We would like to extend a special shout-out to the Ardeo team for reaching out and making this happen!

Listen to the full story here.