Rule29 is a Certified B Corporation®

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I never dreamed of being an entrepreneur or business owner. In fact, my early dreams consisted of wanting to play for the Chicago Bulls or Chicago Bears and then become a famous painter. Dream big, right? And even though none of those dreams came to play, my next dream was that whatever I did, I wanted to make an impact and a difference somehow. For the last 25+ years of business ownership, that has been one of the main motivators for my leadership and work.
There are several things I know to be true when it comes to running a business. And one of the most important truths is that with a business, you have the power to influence lives, culture, and business. At Rule29 I have always looked for ways to create opportunities to run a company of integrity, share our resources, invest in various communities, care for our team, and always go the extra mile for our clients who have so much faith in us.
I believe running a company like that not only attracts great people but those great people in turn will help the company continue to learn, serve, and thrive. This results in a constantly evolving business model and a higher level of service to our clients – without whom we would have no business. In Rule29’s commitment to have the greatest influence possible internally and externally with the business, we are proud to announce that we are now a certified B Corporation. This move amplifies everything I’ve mentioned so far, but it allows us to extend our influence even further.
What is a Certified B Corporation®?
Certified B Corporations® meet the highest standards of overall social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability and aspire to use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. We are among an elite group of more than 3,200 companies with the same goal of redefining success in business through just being good to one another.
What does this mean to you?
This means that you can expect Rule29 to conduct business in a way that balances purpose and profit. In everything we do, we are committed to considering the impact of our actions on workers, customers, suppliers, the community, and the environment. We hold ourselves accountable in every possible way to provide the best solutions for you, your customers, and the world at large.
You can expect the following from Rule29:
Transparency in pricing, process, and communication
A follow-up after projects to see how you have been served and to give us input on what we can do better for you
Confidence that we are taking care of our employees at the highest level our company can afford to do
Using suppliers, vendors, and processes that are responsible to the environment
Running our business with a group of wise advisors
A commitment to continued learning and development
And finally, Rule29 desires to conduct business that is focused not only on helping you succeed but also on making the world a better place while doing it. If you find value in that, then let’s have a conversation; we are excited about helping your business dreams come true.
OK maybe I didn’t get to play for the Chicago Bulls and I don’t have a work of art hanging in a famous museum, but more importantly, I get to be a part of a team that influences business, lives, and culture – so it looks like dreams can really come true. Together, we can work toward a better way to do business so let's get started!