Justin Ahrens on the Beautiful Business Podcast with Steven Morris

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Steven Morris is a trusted advisor, author, and speaker helping to build evolved brands and beautiful businesses. Along with his latest book, Beautiful Business, he has also launched a podcast that recently featured our own Justin Ahrens.
The Beautiful Business podcast description is: Many business owners strategize the purpose and function of their business, but few strive to make it “beautiful.” Each week, listen in as Steven Morris and his guests discuss brand, culture, and business strategies that will create new ways to shape your beautiful business. If you are ready to evolve your business from functional to beautiful, this is the podcast for you.
In this episode, Steven Morris discusses:
The role and responsibility of designers and creatives
Leading with awareness and authenticity
Experiencing vulnerability and doing meaningful work
How business should impact others
Key Takeaways:
Creatives have a greater responsibility to understand the impact they have on the people they influence.
Giving yourself a license to be seen as a Human is a beautiful way to be a leader.
Vulnerability doesn’t get easier, but it gets easier to recognize the value and the courage it takes to be vulnerable.
A beautiful business is one that has a clear idea of what they’re about and people who are part of it and interact with it feel seen, supported value.